10:25, 14 March 2023

Metalloinvest Will Invest 52 Billion Rubles in the Creation of a Tailings Storage Facility at Lebedinsky GOK

Metalloinvest, a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, invests 52 billion rubles in the construction of an environmentally efficient tailings storage facility at Lebedinsky GOK. This is stated in the company's message.

The commissioning of the first start–up complex of the tailings storage facility is scheduled for 2026, the full commissioning is scheduled for the end of 2028. The site will be able to receive up to 20 million cubic meters of "tails" annually.

The use of advanced technologies will reduce the specific energy consumption by 25%, reduce dust emissions by 10 times, as well as reduce operating costs for pumping tailings and returning water to the technological process. In addition, the project provides for the return of clarified water to the processing plant in the technological process.

The reduction in specific electricity consumption will occur due to the reconstruction of the condensation unit and optimization of the water-sludge scheme. The reconstruction of eight 50-meter and three 100-meter thickeners will allow to reduce operating costs for pumping tailings and returning water from 2026.

Metalloinvest is a mining and metallurgical company. The company is the world's largest manufacturer and supplier of commercial hot-briquetted iron; it occupies a leading position in the production of iron ore concentrate, pellets and high-quality steel. LLC "YUESEM Metalloinvest" (part of LLC "HC Yuesem") owns 100% of the shares of JSC "HC Metalloinvest".   

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