S.S. Sobyanin
Mayor of Moscow
Dear friends! I welcome you to Moscow at the International Industrial Metal-Expo’2023 exhibition.
This is a great event for metallurgical and related industries, which play a key role in the development of the domestic economy. Production of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy products, equipment and technologies, transport and logistics - these and other relevant topics are reflected at the exhibition and business programs of the largest specialized expoforum, which brings together representatives of business, authorities and the expert community.
In the current difficult period, the Russian metallurgical complex solves large-scale problems of re-equipment of production facilities, capacity building, development of new markets for products. In this situation, it is important to join forces and achieve goals together.
I am convinced that the International Industrial Exhibition Metal-Expo-2023 will contribute to the development of mutually beneficial cooperation between metal market participants; will serve the development and implementation of new joint projects. I wish you, dear friends, a successful forum, fruitful communication and new great achievements.
B.A. Sivak
President of METALLURGMASH Union
The great challenge that have fallen to the share of domestic industry and science is setting a wide range of urgent tasks for the participants of the upcoming exhibition that require active actions to overcome long-term dependence on the supply of high-tech products from abroad. It is time to make a targeted inventory of domestic science and industry, carefully identify, intensively develop and effectively use the existing achievements of domestic manufacturers, and renew the previously existing ties between science and industry at a new level. At the world-class industrial exhibition Metal-Expo that was held last year, the wide opportunities of traditional domestic firms representing all parts of the mining and metallurgical complex were shown.
Under modern conditions, the importance of this exhibition and its role in the struggle for effective import substitution of high-tech products are significantly increasing. A large number of new companies have appeared, producing a variety of science-intensive products for metallurgy. The role of the International Union of Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturers has significantly increased, which activities attract wide attention of consumers and enjoy great support from government structures and public organizations. There is no doubt about the successful continuation and development of these trends. Scientists and production workers pin great hopes on the announced return of higher education to traditional forms of training high-quality specialists, which have brilliantly proven themselves in the recent past and provided the indisputable authority of domestic science.
On behalf of the International Union of Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturers, I wish the organizers, participants and visitors of the exhibition a fruitful work, great creative success, interesting meetings and bright impressions.
Denis Manturov
Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
I welcome you to the 29th International Industrial Exhibition Metal-Expo’2023!
The Metal-Expo exhibition has established itself as a large-scale event that brings together leading companies of metallurgical and related industries.
The exhibition allows to intensify the exchange of experience and demonstrate the latest achievements in the metallurgical industry, as well as contributes to the establishment of contacts between representatives of related industries, which is extremely important in the context of overcoming new challenges.
Metallurgy rightfully plays one of the key roles in the economy of our country, supplying raw materials to the most important industries. I am sure that the exhibition will contribute to the dissemination of best industry practices and discussion of key issues for the development of metallurgy.
I sincerely wish the participants of the exhibition successful and fruitful joint work and success!
Alexander SHOKHIN
Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, President
I welcome the participants, guests and organizers of the 29th International Industrial Exhibition Metal-Expo'2023!
Western sanctions against manufacturers of rolled metal and steel pipes have now and in the future made the national market a priority. At the same time, Russian metallurgists are mastering a new geography – they are supplying to the African continent and Latin America, opening unconventional export directions for the industry, building alternative logistics chains, creating import-substituting machine-building complexes.
Today it is especially important to obtain verified expertise on the markets, to exchange experience of successful problem solving, to predict the further development of the situation. This opportunity is provided by the forum of metallurgists, in which member companies of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs from various regions of Russia will also take part. At the exhibition site the rules of the industry, the prospects for import substitution of the production of metallurgical equipment and components are discussed and considered.
I am sure that Metal-Expo'2023 will be an effective tool for development of the Russian metallurgical business, and the rich business program of the exhibition will help market participants navigate the changing economic conditions.
I wish you a successful solution for the professional tasks, effective interaction and promising development of new business areas!
M. Fateev
Vice-President of Trade and Industrial Chamber of the Russian Federation
On behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, I welcome the participants, guests and organizers of the 29th International Industrial Exhibition Metal-Expo-2023! The exhibition is the largest platform in Russia and the CIS countries for demonstrating the achievements of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, metalworking enterprises, as well as for manufacturers of equipment and technologies in the metallurgical sector.
This year 800 Russian and foreign companies will represent a great amount of the new technologies and solutions for the metallurgical industry, such as digital technologies for the production department management, new materials and technologies for their processing, atomization robotization of production, technologies for environmental protection.
The business program of the exhibition will include more than 50 conferences, seminars and round tables in all segments of the metallurgical business. Traditionally, on the first day of the exhibition, a meeting of the Coordinating Council of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade for the development of the metallurgical complex will be held. I wish the participants, guests and organizers of Metal-Expo-2023 the successful work and all the best!
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of Metal-Expo
I welcome the participants and guests of the 29th International Industrial Exhibition Metal-Expo'2023! The Forum of Metallurgists gathers the leading industry corporations, consumers of metal products, manufacturers of further processing products, suppliers of equipment and technologies on one site. Such cooperation is especially important now, when there is a high demand for the integrated and so-called reverse engineering of metallurgical equipment, import substitution of software and the development of its own digital technologies.
At the same time, consolidation continues in the metallurgical industry, mergers and acquisitions are underway, personnel are changing in companies, which means that there is an urgent need for close professional communication. New production facilities are put into operation, i.e. companies need to present and promote new products and services among their counterparties.
Some of the new production facilities will be presented within the framework of the "Main Event of the Year" contest, and promising new types of products will be awarded gold and silver medals of Metal-Expo. Other professional competitions will be held within the framework of the exhibition, as well as more than 50 conferences, seminars and round tables on all segments of the metallurgical business. A rich business program will additionally attract several thousand representatives of construction and fuel and energy complexes, engineering and logistics to the forum of metallurgists.
The forum will also be widely represented by the metallurgy and mechanical engineering of China and other Asian countries – there are about 350 foreign companies out of 800 national participants. Equipment manufacturers from more than 10 countries, including enterprises in Turkey, India, Iran, Italy, Germany, Kazakhstan, China, will present equipment, components, as well as a wide range of modern metal products at their stands.
The number of visitors is expected to increase - more than 25 thousand consumers of metal products from all sectors of the economy and from all regions of the CIS countries will visit the "city of metallurgists" in Expocentre.
I wish the participants of Metal-Expo'2023 to work productively at the exhibition site, find new partners, additional sales channels and promising consumer directions!
Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
Due to its repute and the modern exhibition fairground the Metal Week in Moscow annually brings together leading industry professionals as well as representatives of the largest steel companies and enterprises from Russia and abroad. The event does not only exhibit the whole range of ferrous and non-ferrous products, the most state-of-the-art equipment and solutions, but also establishes a constructive dialogue, organizes discussions of the most pressing problems, as well as helps make important decisions and conclude mutually beneficial contracts.
The contemporary challenges which globally transform the economy and lay a course for technological independence make the steel industry quickly adapt to the new conditions, open new markets, build up new logistic chains and create new industrial and financial tools.
Metal-Expo hard-driving program includes conferences, seminars, and roundtables covering all the industry segments. Participants will have a good opportunity to discuss the most pressing problems of the industry, among them: use of new materials and solutions to the ferrous and non-ferrous industries, standardization of rebar steels, using new types of steel steel structures and hardware products, IT-solutions and corporate communication etc.
Wishing all fruitful work, stimulating discussions and new business contacts.
Dmitry Medvedev
Prime Minister of the Russian Federation
In 25 years the exhibition has become a well-reputed platform to discuss prospects of the steel industry and present the most state-of-the-art solutions and equipment. Traditionally, the exhibition provides state authorities and businessmen as well as leading Russian and international experts a good opportunity to exchange best practices, exhibit achievements, and sign mutually beneficial contracts.
Today steel enterprises make a weighty contribution to development of the national economy, raise funds, and build and modernize facilities using the most advanced solutions. An extensive use of digital technologies helps them stay competitive, optimize management processes and improve safety. These and other issues will be discussed among delegates of conferences and round tables held in parallel to Metal-Expo’2019 while the best achievements will be awarded prestigious professional awards.
In my belief, the exhibition will help promote the national steel industry in the global market and create favorable business climate in the industry. Wishing you all fruitful work, constructive dialogues, and all the best!
Europack, President
Europack is well-known in the market. We use the exhibition not to find, but to strengthen relations with our customers and to find ways of future cooperation. We had many meetings and successful negotiations.
SMS Meer
We manufacture equipment for welded & seamless pipes as well as long product manufacture: all this we exhibited at Metal-Expo’2012. In the last few years we fulfilled a number of projects including large ones on big diameter welded pipes production, seamless tubes finishing and long products manufacture.
VSMPO, Deputy Head of Marketing and Sales
The exhibition is a tool to promote our products and it has always been a success. We have held some 50 meetings we planned and we have had many visitors on our stand.
Vladimir BOGLAEV
ChLMZ, Director General
Cherepovetsk Casting and Mechanical Plant has participated in Metal-Expo International Industrial Exhibition for the 12th time already. Over the history of our participation our sales have grown 10 times!
Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian
Participation in such forums as Metal-Expo and the experience of cooperation with our partners and colleagues from different industries help us adjust the industrial policy.
Koroyov Pipes Works, Director General
We have always had positive emotions of Metal-Expo for it provides good opportunity to meet with our customers, find new sales markets and find new ideas of business developping.
Asha Steel Works, Head of Marketing
We have participated in Metal-Expo for more than 10 years. Our impressions of the last exhibition are most positive. We had more visitors than a year ago. Steel industry professionals and steel traders asked us definite questions about steel products supplies and discussed the most pressing problems with us. We have seen unprecedented interest to our company from stainless steel sheets consumers and defense enterprises.
First Vice-President, Russian Engineering Union
In the organization of the exhibition efforts of industrial enterprises, large steel corporations, leading scientific and public organizations have been united, which enabled to hold event at the highest international level. Russian Engineering Union, supports this event, in my belief, the exhibition would give a new impulse to form competitive, dynamic, diversified and innovative Russian economy, through the creation of modern technological equipment of high quality metals, necessary for the domestic industry.
Uraltrubprom, Head of Marketing
We met with our key customers, summed up results of the year, and made plans for the next year. Our professionals held many meetings with potential customers from all over Russia. For the first time we participated in the event on two stands to exhibit and promote our second products line: steel structures.
Alexander ZAKHAROV
Chamber of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Vice President
Metal-Expo International Exhibition facilitates implementation of energy-saving and environmental friendly technologies, helps increase efficiency and competitiveness of production and attract additional investments in the Russian heavy engineering and metalworking.
Konstantin RYABOV
NOVAEM, Director General
Representatives of all the NOVAEM divisions held many meetings during the exhibition. We received many positive reviews, suggestions and applications to be processed. In our belief, all the agreements we made during the four days of at the fair will be accomplished in the future.
Dr. Heike Peitsch
Botschaftsrätin Erster Klasse
Die Metallurgie hat als starkes Standbein der russischen wie auch der deutschen Wirtschaft eine lange Tradition. Die Branche ist ein hervorragendes Beispiel für den hohen Grad der Verflechtung und den sehr guten Stand der deutsch-russischen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen. Auch vor dem Hintergrund der deutsch-russischen Modernisierungspartnerschaft ist es wichtig, bestehende Beziehungen zu pflegen und neue Geschäftskontakte zu knüpfen. Die diesjährige Metall Expo bietet hierzu das ideale Forum. Die Metall Expo ist in den siebzehn Jahren ihres Bestehens zu einer festen Größe in der Metallindustrie geworden und hat sich in dieser Zeit zu einer der wichtigsten Messen im Bereich der Metallurgie und der Metallverarbeitung für Russland und ganz Osteuropa entwickelt.
Victor Semyonov
Ex-Director, Department for Metallurgy and Heavy Engineering, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Counselor-Minister)
We need to develop communications between industries and increase the number of events including those held during Metal-Expo Industrial Exhibition which has been balanced over the recent years in terms of participation of suppliers and consumers of steel equipment and technologies.
Lev Avetov
Chairman of Board of Directors of Brok-Invest-Service
To us the exhibition has become the ground where we can adjust strategies and test our costomers.
Victor Rashnikov
Director General of Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK)
"I think Metal-Expo exhibition is necessary to all. It provides a perfect opportunity to establish business contacts, exchange experience, as well as to demonstrate all kinds of steel products we produce at MMK. We are here the the seventh time already (only once we did not participate in Metal-Expo), and we are planning to participate in every Metal-Expo exhibition in the future. At Metal-Expo we meet new partners and work out strategy for the future based on our buyers' demands."