NLMK Group Among Leaders in ESG Ranking of Russian Companies

NLMK Group , a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, was ranked among Top 3 Russian companies in sustainable development according to Expert magazine. NLMK gained 18 positions vs last year. The authors of...

07 December 2021

OMK Steel Track Railway Car Maintenance Company Invests Over RUB 15,800,000 to Improve Wheelset Maintenance Quality

United Metallurgical Company (OMK) is a Russian manufacturer of high-quality steel products and integrated solutions designed to meet the most exacting consumer specifications in the fuel energy, ...

01 December 2021

Ural Steel was Awarded the Gold Medal "Metal-Expo 2021" for Sheet Metal Made of Cryogenic Steel

Ural Steel (part of Metalloinvest ) was awarded the gold medal of the 27th International Industrial Exhibition " Metal-Expo 2021 " for the development and production of the first in Russia sheet m...

26 November 2021

The Bronx Group: New Technologies As a Tool to Add Value to Your Coil

At this year’s Metal-Expo 2021 in Moscow, The Bronx Group , a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, and its partners held a workshop dedicated to the latest technologies in the coil coating industry Guest...

24 November 2021

NLMK Starts Modernization of Billet Heating Furnace at Lipetsk

Russian steel maker Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant NLMK , a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, has begun reconstruction of a furnace for heating steel billets before rolling at mill 2000. The moderniz...

19 November 2021

Metal-Expo’2021: Three Most Busy Days!

Metal-Expo’2021, the 27th International Industrial Exhibition was held on November 11-13 at Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia. More than 450 steel companies exhibited at the event, some 3k st...

16 November 2021

Severstal Signs with Schneider Electric and Air Liquide Climate Memorandum "Together for a low-carbon future"

PAO Severstal, one of the world's leading vertically integrated steel and steel-related mining companies, a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, has developed a Climate Memorandum "Together towards a...

13 November 2021

MMK Receives the Best Exposition Award at Metal Expo’2021

PJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works – MMK" , a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, won the traditional competition "The Best Exhibition Stand" held within the framework of the Metal-Expo Internation...

13 November 2021

Ruspolimet Signs a Contract with Inteco at Metal-Expo`2021

At Metal-Expo 2021 the Russian special steel producer Ruspolymet, a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, assigned INTECO with the engineering and supply of two new furnaces - VIM and ESR furnaces. The hi...

12 November 2021

MMK Develops Cooperation with Russia’s Giants of the Automotive Industry

At the international industrial exhibition Metal-Expo 2021, PJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works – MMK" , a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, signed a strategic partnership agreement with two impor...

12 November 2021

Metalloinvest Presented The Results of The First ESG Rating of Suppliers

Metalloinvest and the B2B-Center trading platform presented the results of the supplier rating based on the values set out in the UN Global Compact. El 6 companies (formerly EPM Group), Bentonite ...

11 November 2021

Danieli Group Signs a Decarbonization Memorandum with MMK

MMK and Danieli to work together to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions and improve environmental conditions. PJSC "Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works – MMK" , a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, and Danie...

11 November 2021
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