Severstal Completes Construction of Environmental Facilities for a New Blast Furnace
Russian steelmaker PAO Severstal , a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, one of the world's leading vertically integrated steel and mining companies, has completed the construction of environmental ...
18 January 2021BMZ Export Shipments in 2021 Were Opened by Spain
The first batch of steel products, which OJSC “ BMZ” (" BSW - Byelorussian Steel Works) – managing company of “BMK” holding”, a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, shipped for export on January 1, 2021,...
14 January 2021NLMK Supplies Raw Materials for Moscow’s Central Ring Road
NLMK Lipetsk, an NLMK Group company, a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, supplied 2 million tonnes of slag crushed stone to DSK Avtoban for building the fourth section of Moscow’s Central Ring Road th...
12 January 20212021 Season's Greetings
Metal-Expo team extends the warmest wishes to our international partners, colleges and friends! We are looking forward to seeing you again in 2021 among our exhibitors and visitors. Wishing you an...
24 December 2020Metal-Expo Organizing Committee Sums up Metal-Expo'2020 Results
A meeting of Metal-Expo Organizing Commitee was held on November 23 in Moscow. The membets of the Committee, among them heads of industrial unions, associations and scientific institutions summed ...
24 December 2020Severstal Awards Danieli with Order for New Special Steel Rolling Mill
Russian steelmaker PAO Severstal , a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, awarded Danieli, a Metal-Expo exhibitor, with an order for the supply of a new rolling mill for special steels to be installed in...
23 December 2020EVRAZ ZSMK Ships 60E1 Euro Profile Rails for Metro in Mexico City
EVRAZ’s structural steel facility EVRAZ ZSMK, a Metal-Expo exhibitor, has produced and dispatched 1.3 thousand tonnes of 60E1 Euro profile rails for the Mexico City metro. This is the first rail d...
21 December 2020NUST MISIS and PAO Severstal Plan to Create Construction Steel with Better Fire Resistance
Scientists from the National Research Technological University NUST MISiS and Severstal , Metal-Expo regular exhibitors, are planning to create new fire resistant steels by forming non-Fire Resist...
18 December 2020Mechel Doubles Anthracite Output and Sales
Mechel PAO, one of the leading Russian mining and metals companies, a Metal-Expo exhibitor, reports that its output and sales of anthracites went up by 83% year-on-year. In 11 months of 2020, Mech...
17 December 2020NLMK Group Ranked Among top 5 Most Competitive Global Steel Companies by World Steel Dynamics
NLMK Group , a Metal-Expo regular exhibitor, a global steel company was ranked among Top 5 most competitive global steel companies in the Global Steel Competitiveness Ranking, established by World...
15 December 2020Primetals Technologies to Modernize Drive System on the Medium-Wide Hot Strip Mill of Thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg
Thyssenkrupp Hohenlimburg GmbH has awarded Primetals Technologies, a Metal-Expo exbibitor, an order to convert the existing cycloconverter drive systems to medium-voltage drive systems on stands 7...
10 December 2020The Bronx Group Welcomes SpecMetrix® to Russia/CIS Region
The Bronx Group, a Metal-Expo exhibitor, would like to announce its collaboration with Sensory Analytics, the global source for SpecMetrix® in-line and offline DFT measurement systems. SpecMetrix®...
09 December 2020